Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Legal Timeshare Cancellation

Timeshares can be canceled legally, and there are legal options for consumers who want to get rid of a timeshare. Many lawyers will look at your contract and tell you that it is a binding agreement and you are stuck with your purchase. This simply is not the case. The timeshare companies spend millions of dollars every year to make sure that the contracts they provide to the consumer are valid, but consumer laws are in every state and country timeshare is sold. These laws will protect consumers from misleading and deceptive sales tactics. If you purchased a timeshare under false pretenses than you can legally cancel your timeshare.

When you purchased your timeshare if you were told anything that was untrue or misleading such as; you could rent or sell for a profit, refinance for lower rate, you were buying something of value, or the resort would buy it back if you were unhappy than you were lied to and you qualify to cancel your timeshare and possibly recover any monies you paid.
Timeshare-Answers is a professional consumer advocacy company that specializes in legally cancelling timeshare for consumers. We have years of experience and have helped over 15000 clients with their timeshare problems. If you are looking to legally cancel your timeshare call Timeshare-Answers Today.

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